Connecting the dots between Lyme (and other pathogens), inflammation and Craniocervical Instability

About Us

We’re passionate about helping provide educational and recovery resources for those with complex chronic conditions, that otherwise don’t receive much attention.

We provide connections to reputable sources of treatment of Lyme disease, Craniocervical instability, and Mast cell activation syndrome.

Lyme disease

Garnering more attention in the last decade, Lyme is a condition requiring complex treatment. However, Canadians continue to experience difficulty finding appropriate treatment by local clinicians.

Craniocervical instability

& Other Biomechanical Issues

For some patients, this may be triggered by a traumatic physical event, like a car accident or physical injury however, for many patients no injury ever occurred. Learn about this critical health issue which has been underestimated.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Chronic inflammation, MCAS, and more.

New: Master list of Canadian clinics

Chronic health conditions are often left undiagnosed and untreated at hospitals and traditional clinics. Attached is a list of Canadian clinics that are well-known in treating chronic illnesses. If you have any desired updates to the list, please email us at, and we will do our best to accommodate the changes.

Medical disclaimer

This website is strictly for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice nor medical opinion. This website constitutes the lay opinions of the authors. By use and by reading of the contents herein, the reader waives any and all claims against the author of this website. All persons reading and viewing this website acknowledge the need to secure their own medical advice. The information and effectiveness of the lay opinion of this website does not constitute medical opinion for each reader.